National Voice Day

In honor of National Voice Day that was recently on April 16, it is a great time to spread the word about the marvel of the human voice and the importance of taking care of it. Whether you are a singer, teacher, or just like to talk a lot, it is important to take care of your voice. Here are some simple tips to take care of your voice:
- Stay hydrated: Adequate hydration is fundamental for vocal health. While drinking water is essential for overall hydration, consider incorporating steaming and nebulizing into your routine. These methods can effectively hydrate the delicate tissues of your vocal folds, ensuring optimal vocal function. Your level of hydration directly impacts how your voice sounds and feels.
- Practice Proper Vocal Warm-ups: Before any intense vocal activity, such as singing or speaking for extended periods, warm up your voice with gentle vocal exercises. These help get your voice ready for action.
- Practice Diaphragmatic Breathing: Practice breathing properly to support good vocal fold vibration.
- Incorporate Rest and Relaxation: Take vocal “naps” and rest your voice periodically. Just like any other muscle in your body, your vocal cords need rest to recover and rejuvenate. Incorporate periods of vocal rest into your daily routine to prevent fatigue and strain.
- Manage your reflux: If you experience acid reflux this directly will impact the integrity of the tissues in your throat. Consider speaking to your doctor about ways to prevent reflux and or consider taking an alginate (I like Reflux Gourmet) after a meal or at bedtime.
There are many more tips, please reach out if you feel that you struggle with your voice or would benefit from learning more about how to optimize your voice.
We are here to help!
Voice, Speech, and Swallowing Therapy. Tailored to enhance communication, eating and drinking, and improve your quality of life.
Personalized voice treatments for enhanced vocal efficiency, including SPEAKOUT! for Parkinson's and follow-up LOUD Crowd group therapy.
Swallow Rehabilitation
Offering NMES, McNeill Dysphagia Therapy for severe dysphagia, respiratory and oropharyngeal strength training, GERD management, chronic cough treatment, and more.
head & neck Cancer
Comprehensive care for head and neck conditions, including targeted therapy for cancer recovery, and function restoration. We specialize in treatment plans that support healing and quality of life improvements.
Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow (Fees)
(FEES) is a quick, minimally invasive procedure used by Speech-Language Pathologists to assess and diagnose swallowing disorders directly.
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