Frequently Asked Questions

What is a speech pathologist?

A speech pathologist, also known as a speech-language pathologist or speech therapist, is a healthcare professional who diagnoses and treats communication and swallowing disorders. They work with individuals of all ages to address issues such as speech, language, voice, fluency, and cognitive-communication. Speech pathologists develop personalized treatment plans to help patients improve their communication skills and overall quality of life.

Who is a candidate for FEES?

FEES is appropriate for most patients who need an in-depth assessment of their swallowing difficulties. Candidates include those who have had a stroke or brain injury, have a progressive disease such as dementia, ALS, or Parkinson's Disease, have head and neck cancer, and those who are NPO and wish to return to eating by mouth. FEES can be particularly useful for those who are bed-bound, are on isolation, or have dementia as it does not require leaving their regular living environment.

Does FEES hurt?

Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) is a procedure used to assess swallowing function. It involves passing a thin, flexible endoscope through the nose to view the throat while swallowing. The procedure is generally well-tolerated and does not usually cause pain, though some individuals may experience mild discomfort or a sensation of pressure. Any discomfort typically subsides quickly after the procedure is completed.

What are the signs of a swallowing disorder?

Signs of a swallowing disorder, also known as dysphagia, can include coughing or choking during or after eating and drinking, a sensation of food being stuck in the throat, pain while swallowing, frequent throat clearing, recurrent pneumonia, unexplained weight loss, and changes in voice or speech after meals. Other symptoms may include drooling, difficulty chewing, and taking longer than usual to finish meals. If you experience any of these signs, it is important to seek evaluation from a healthcare professional.


  • 55 yr old male - In Boise

    The Idaho Speech And Swallow Services was the only one who could resolve swallowing issues in one of my family members. Cammy Lawlor, who is the speech pathologist, is the best educated speech pathologist we have run into after encountering several of them after a hospitalization. I highly recommend her as she is very knowledgeable, professional, and personable. Don’t give up hope if you have swallowing issues. I’m sure Cammy will be able to help you!

  • 57 yr old female - In Eagle

    Cammy Lawlor SLP is a superb speech therapist, and I really appreciated her expertise, compassion, encouragement and support throughout the therapeutic journey.  She is very knowledgeable in her field and has excellent contacts in the valley for other health care resources as well.  I highly recommend her!

  • 44 yr old female - In Meridian

    Finding Cammy was a blessing. My husband was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s and we needed someone that worked with Parkinson’s patients and the speak out program. Cammy was able to connect with my husband and help increase his volume, slow his speech and make him  more aware as he spoke. The lessons were invaluable. She is very connected to the Parkinson’s community  and has been helpful with advice and resources. We love her!!! Best decision ever.

  • 32 yr old female - In Boise

    Our client was referred to Cammy after we had little success using another speech and swallow service through the hospital. Our client had reservations of trying again but Cammy put their fears at ease almost instantly. She was wonderful! Very knowledgeable, very thorough and tailored her treatment to the clients specific needs. As a Care Manager for a non-profit with multiple clients we will definitely be requesting her again and again! Absolutely amazing service!

  • 52 yr old female - In Boise

    So helpful! Cammy brings her wealth of knowledge, treasury of resources, and her love of helping people heal into every session. We love having her on our therapy team as we navigate this healing process.

  • 63 yr old female - In Boise

    Cammy is amazing at her profession. So in tune with her patients. She definitely goes above and beyond any other therapist(s) I have been to. I had 2 cervical spine fusion surgeries, 6 months apart. My post surgical repercussions included: my throat, swallowing, esophagus, larynx, vocal cords, the function of my hyoid bone, epiglottis, severe nerve and muscle damage etc. I am still recovering but I have tons of hope because of her treatment to and for me.I hope I got this right :)Thank goodness for you Cammy!


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“Cammy has helped and taught me so much, my memory has improved with the strategies she showed me”

-84 yr old female with Mild Cognitive Impairment

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